MALAYSIAN NATURALIST: Vol 26.2 December 2022 Vol 76-3 March 2023
Sometimes, when articles for the MNS quarterly magazine are in short supply, two volumes are published together. This magazine is one such occasion!
Consequently, it has a wide range of topics, including the survey results of butterflies and other wildlife in Bukit Lagong, Selangor, upcycling recycled plastic at Pulau Ketam, the shorebirds visiting the Mersing coast, two articles by the editor, one of which describes the leafless wild orchid Galeola nudifolia and the other a sad tale of an attempt by an Asian Pied Starling to build a nest.
The remainder of the magazine contains the results of a mini Scientific Expedition to Endau Rompin National Park and a review of The Wildlife Atlas for Sabah: Maps and Conservation, available for downloading from https://sabis.sabah.gov.my/